Residence & Suites Solaf |
Nulla sostituirà la propria casa, Nothing can replace your home, but Solaf Residence and Suites will be the place of reference to combine your way of living and working when you are far away from your usual space, in full respectof your own feelings. |
Residence & Suites Solaf: Via Milano, 3/A - 24040 Bonate Sopra (BG) - P. iva: 10701940156- Tel. 0039 035 4997167 - Fax 0039 035 994844 E-mail: |
Best Western Solaf Hotel: Via Mattei, 1/3 - 24030 Medolago (BG) - Tel. 0039 035 4946120 - Fax 0039 035 4946125 E-mail: - Internet: Best Western Solaf Hotel |